I have no idea where to start. This past week was exhausting. After turning in my entire life on Friday, I spent the night relaxing. I don't recall what happened exactly, but there was a lot of sleep involved. That night I watched
Vicky Cristina Barcelona with my best friend Gillian.

The film was enjoyable, but a bit disappointing. I had been looking forward to watching it, due to its passionate and sexual nature. Basically, the premise is that two women (guess who) go on a trip to Barcelona, they meet a gorgeous spanish painter, and end up involved in a crazy love square(?) because the man's ex-wife comes back into his life. At one point in time, Cristina (Scarlett Johansson), Juan Antonio (Javier Bardem), and his ex-wife Maria Elena (Penelope Cruz) are living under the same roof, all completely infatuated with each other. Yes, there is girl-on-girl action. I do love the fact that Woody Allen questions traditional relationship ideas and such. Javier Bardem is a sexy motherfucker, but Penelope Cruz is the one that truly sizzles. Her role as an unstable and gorgeous artist is positively engaging. She's that crazy girl that is an absolute genius, can love you until you collapse, and then will proceed to stab you, but literally. Anyways, an enjoyable film, but could have been better I guess.
Moving on...
Saturday was Valentine's Day, of course. Gillian and I went on a mission, delivering Valentines to close friends, shopping a bit, and eating Thai food. Being anti-Valentine's, I wore my pink I Love Me
n shirt. Gillian looked a bit like mix between a love fairy and a harlot. The homeless men in Capital Hill had a bit too much fun with commenting on her outfit. The event was not documented in part because we were anonymous in our excursion. The day was lovely and eventful. That night Gillian and I watched
Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist with Julia.

I love this movie. It's precious, to say the least. The soundtrack is pretty damn good too. It chronicles the adventure of two strangers that we all wish we could have.
Today started with waking up to Bridget calling me, and then falling back asleep. Speaking to an angry Gillian, and then rushing to Bridget's house. We went to Discovery Park, accompanied by Bridget's mother Moira and their dogs Bart and Tip. Bridget and I took a nice, long run, the first I've taken in too long. It hurt so good. After the park, we went to Red Mill Burgers, where I had the most incredible veggie burger. I realize that's a bit of an oxymoron, but really. I don't lie about these things. Errands. Shower. Sleep.
What followed was a great deal of self-inflicted confusion. I have not seen D in a week or so, and I feel incredibly needy. I need some emotional satisfaction, which completely disgusts me. I don't need that... That's not me... Or at least I'd like to think so. In any case, I have completely lost it. I could probably explain it more, but I'm tired and feeling sleep-deprived. I'll leave you with two quotes stolen from a wonderful little blog called
Una Bella Vita. One is from a movie, I assume. The other is from the most terrific author, Erica Jong. The woman was a significant figure in the sexual revolution, and I completley idolize her above just about every other person on earth. She's who I turn to for a dose of inspiration to continue to drive me in my independence. For this reason, this quote by her, about love and being vulnerable is all the more powerful.
"We think there is always a tomorrow, so why expose our feelings today? Why risk being vulnerable? Why take the chance? Because today, what we love, what we feel, what is real, is what we have. Tomorrow, it may all change."
- Small Miracles
"I'm going to tell you something really subverse. Love is everything it's cracked up to be. That's why people are so cynical about it... It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, and risking everything for. And if you don't risk everything, you risk even more."
- Erica Jong
Listening to:

A delicious slice of soul. Check it out.