I hate that I am completely incapable of keeping my blog up-to-date. A lot has happened in the past week or so! Saturday, the 16th was my 18th birthday. The day I finally became a legal adult, though it certainly feels past due. Friday night I had a lovely group of ladies at my house, where we got ready to go out on the town. Saturday morning from 2-4, we danced and danced at Neighbours, a gay club in Seattle. The night was both stimulating and strange due to run-ins with three ex-somethings and a teacher from my school. Upon getting home around 4:30 am, five of my closest friends and I each found places to sleep. In about 15 hours, a large group would be coming for more celebration and a barbecue out on my deck. We all seemed to wake up around nine or ten, sleep-deprived, but still in awe of our fabulous "night". After sluggishly evacuating the house, prompted by my mother, the six of us plus one inconsiderate friend (who chose to get drunk at a frat house instead of spending time with me on my birthday) went out to eat, settling upon Benson's Bites in Normandy Park. Bites is a specialty store with tables to eat at as well, owned by a family whose wonderful daughters I got to school with. After a delicious meal, the six of us (seven ditched again) left very full. I ran to the bank at the speed of light so I could cash checks I had received and buy a party outfit.
We then went to the pool, playing and relaxing, contemplating graduation and the summertime.
Later on, Janie, Gillian, and I went to Capital Hill where I bought said outfit at Urban Outfitters, as well as some accessories in Nordstrom (BP). The shopping trip was longer than anticipated, so we hurried to pick up decorations and get home. I showered, helped decorate, and people began arriving. My mother along with her best friend used their Domestic Goddess powers to cook up some tasty food of which I ate far too much of.

With a large group of friends, I talked, danced, and ate in beautiful and timely weather. Nearing 11, we watched a movie, and then people left.
It may be cliche, but I truly feels as if it was the best birthday of my life. I have an incredible group of friends who I love very much. Gifts were nice, but nothing compares to the relationships I share with these people.
I will proudly say I have already spent most of my birthday money thanks to Urban Outfitters. This past week has been spent shopping, enjoying the sun, and monotonously going to school. Graduation feels so far away, but it will no doubt sneak up on us. I cannot wait.
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