I began day one waking up at the ungodly hour of 9:30am. Alas, I am a teenager and it is the summer. I frantically packed a bag to bring to my friend Ben's apartment, where I would be staying a night or so. My dad then drove me to the light rail, which is far too slow in my opinion. I got off sometime after 11 and started walking to Seattle Center from Westlake Center. I walked briskly-no maniacally, not only because the lovely Katy Perry was playing in just under three hours, but also because I am an impatient mess. I entered the festival and stumbled upon the line, which to my annoyance was already ridiculously long. I thought I was obsessed with Katy, but apparently some people were more intent on coming early. Of course plenty of irritating kids who no doubt did not appreciate the upcoming experience as much as I did, decided cutting in line was perfectly acceptable. After waiting and waiting, the line began to move. I showed security I wasn't carrying any guns, bombs, or god forbid a recording device and broke into a speed walk. Every now and then, when security didn't yell "No running!" I tried elusively jogging. My methods turned out to be quite effective and I got into the pit, one 14 year-old girl behind the fence before the stage. I probably should have been embarassed when someone next to me squealed "Happy 12th Birthday!", but I was not. This is something to expect at a Katy Perry concert. The set was decorated a bit like a suburban yard, with a white picket fence, flamingos, and lots of pink.
The photos in the One of the Boys album booklet are inspired by Lolita and summertime after all. After plenty of waiting and odd interaction with a middle-aged, over-friendly gay man, the show started. Katy came out in a ruffled romper, stunna shades, and a giant blow-up strawberry.
I'm already peeing my pants at this point... Kidding. Really.
The crowd was lame for the most part. I of course, knew all the words, danced the whole time, and ripped my bag in the process. Worth it. Whether she recognized me from the last show, or just appreciated my super fan status, Katy looked at me just as before. I'd like to think she remembered me as the gay kid in the gold sequined shirt. Who knows? Katy played most of her album, as well as a cover of Queen's "Don't Stop Me Now". Without them, she says her music career wouldn't exist. How very perfect. And gay. Love. She closed with "I Kissed a Girl" and of course, did so.
Yes, that is cherry chapstick in one hand (a prop) and a bra in the other (not).
She gave a farewell and I departed the pit (screw the All-American Rejects), met up with my friends Julia and Anna and went to see Natalie Portman's Shaved Head. Their set had started before the Katy show ended, but luckily we didn't miss "Sophisticated Side Ponytail" or "Me and Your Daughter", which are my personal favorite songs by the band.
They were a lot of fun, as always. Hooray for light-hearted, non-depressing local music! I still love you Death Cab...Nirvana...promise.
After, the girls and I decided to walk around, buy overpriced food, and relax/people-watch by the fountain. Some guy even climbed the fountain, with help from his buddy.
His landing was not so graceful.
Julia and I topped off the night with the Matt and Kim show. If you've never heard of this pair, I recommend checking them out ASAP.
The pit was packed and rowdy as hell. It was easily the craziest show I've been to in a long time. After, my feet were smashed and my shoes had gone from looking like sunshine to...not.
I even had grass-stained ankles. Ouch.
Julia and I made our way over to the Mural Ampitheater to meet Anna after Eric Hutchinson. After bidding the ladies adieu, I started walking towards Ben's apartment. Feeling nutrition-deprived, I grabbed a delicious vegan burger from one of the stands, making an absolute mess of myself, obviously not willing to stop to eat it. Once at Ben's, our friend Julie came over, and the three of us watched Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and ate cookie dough ice cream. I was exhausted from only having gotten 4 hours of sleep and walking/dancing all day, so I kept drifting off to sleep. Then, I passed out on Ben's floor.
(Because this post is ridiculously long, I've decided to tackle each day of my Labor Day Weekend, one post at a time. Xo.)
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