Monday, February 14, 2011

Lady GaGa on "60 Minutes"

I honestly don't think I could possibly count the hours upon hours of Lady GaGa interviews I have watched, whether they be repeats or videos I watch just once. Watching the "60 Minutes" profile dedicated to her was an exceptional example. She was entirely honest, but kept the interviews entertaining. One of my very favorite parts of the profile (the first video, the rest are extra pieces), featured her feverishly gulping down coffee with a "diamond" at the bottom, as Anderson Cooper began to talk about her sense of humor, only to pause as if waiting for her attention. He's distracted, asking if the diamond is in her mouth, and sure enough, she grins as she playfully removes it. She then intelligently asserts, "People take me both way too seriously and not seriously enough."

Her honesty is most striking on the subject of her fame. At one point in the second video, she stares at the camera, like a wide-eyed child, whispering about her disbelief of her situation. I cried as I watched because in that moment, she speaks with complete sincerity about her passion, regardless of where it may or may not have taken her. In the final video she acknowledges a sense of anxiety regarding the media, nearly yelling in the most endearing of ways.

The profile is fantastic, as are the accompanying "Overtime" videos. I continue to be left in awe of GaGa. Her drive and sense of passion are constantly inspiring to say the least. We're all born superstars.

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