Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I don't speak your Americano.

In a surprise performance at the Monster Ball in Guadalajara, Mexico, Lady Gaga debuted "Americano" acoustically. As far as I understand it (and interpret it), the song is about the injustice seen within issues of immigration, but I think it could be generally applied to the superiority complex of our great nation. Unfortunately, a sense of entitlement and unrestricted obtrusiveness is an integral part of America's vocabulary. It seems all too appropriate with the grand celebrations following Bin Laden's death and the "AMERICA!" mentality exercised as a result. The energy of the audience, along with the powerful acoustic sound provides for an electrifying performance.

And I thought I needed a coffee to stay up all night...

Update: The previous video has been blocked due to copyright, so here is another. Visually it's rather insignificant, but the audio is a bit better (though the other video's sense of the crowd was much stronger) and you get the sick ending.

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