Sunday, January 11, 2009

It's been a while since I've posted, but for good reason. An amazing guy, William Somota, was hit by a drunk driver, sent to the hospital in critical condition, and died the following day. I believe it was the 4th. I don't know William all that well. He went to school with me until he graduated and I would see him here and there. Even so, I was very shocked and upset by the news of his passing. Every time I saw him, he would be unbelievably sweet and always accepting. I saw him for New Years at our friend Jessie's house. He was so happy, playing guitar, that infectious smile spread across his face. A perfect night to remember him by.

Today was his funeral.

Dressed in black, Julie and I politely pushed ourselves into a building at Bonney Watson funeral home. The place was packed. Parking took at least twenty minutes. The ceremony was difficult to hear, some of it not even being in English (William's family is from Laos). His best friends and family spoke of their memories and experiences, causing plenty of tears from those listening. After the ceremony and walking by his open casket, I broke down walking with Julie on the way to the car. I cried once briefly before this, but I've felt mostly numb since William's death.

Life is unfair. It's unfortunate that some one's life can be so swiftly taken from them. For William's sake, I hope there is a god. He deserves eternal life, if there is such a thing.

R.I.P. William Somota. You will not be forgotten.
yeah two thumbs way up.taken by luis h.
Love you dude.

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